Thursday, 8 May 2008

Anne dynamic (Question 5-6)

Act I, Scene 4, 5: Anne is a dynamic character; that is, she changes in the course of the play. What does Anne’s gift giving reveal about her? How do her gifts to her mother and peter show that she has changed?

I think that as the play went on that she opened up more and more. Anne showed that she not only cared about herself, but about others, even people who had hurt her. I think that this shows a new level of maturity in her. I know that when someone has said a cross word or done a spiteful thing that I just try to make life as miserable for them as possible. I don't like it when people that don't like me are happy, but it looks like Anne has gotten over Mr. Dussle bossing her around, well for a little while at least. I hope that she changes even more in the next couple pages.

Caleb J.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I agree with you.... I wouldn't be able to forgive one so easily as Anne. I think it is also her personality though... She does show that she grows up and matures int the play....