Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Foreshadowing (question a)

"Why does Mr. Frank break down when he sees the white glove?'

I think that the white glove belongs to Anne. When he sees the glove, he remembers when they were taken out of their home by the Nazis. I think as we read into the story the white glove will pop up again, maybe as a birthday or Christmas present. I think that the glove was very precious to Anne, because it must have been significant to er to make Mr. Frank cry like that.

1 comment:

ChristinaY said...

Hey Caleb!
Great job with your blog post~
Anyways I'm pretty sure it was Anne's glove because I remember seeing it on her hands when she want to Peter's room to 'talk.' They made it seem like a date but it was just going to Peter's room. She dressed up and had gloves on. I think Mr. Frank just started crying because the glove gave him a memory of the past and how Anne wore the glove around. He probably just truly and terribly missed them all. It was a very emotional time for him. I wouldnt have been able to hold my tears. I would have immediately broken down and sobbed for hours and days.
Anyways, again, good job and see you tomorrow!